Sunday, July 30, 2006

Now in my fourth year presenting seminars for Western Exhibitors Trade Shows, I am happy to be participating in the San Francisco International Gift Fair next weekend.

Retailer, Know Thyself...5 Ways to Define and Create Your Store's Visual Identity
1:30 pm-3:00 pm Moscone Center South—Room 252-256
Speaker: Debi Ward Kennedy, Visual & Retail Expert

1. GETTING STARTED: 5 ways to define and create your business identity
2. DEVELOP A BRAND: Discover how to develop a “brand” mentality
3. BUY RIGHT: Focus on the special attributes of your store with the perfect product
4. BE A RESOURCE FOR INSPIRATION: Simple, cost-effective events and displays that sell more product and keep customers coming back for more
5. PRESENTATION MATTERS: See quick and easy displays you can do in your store

For more information on this and other seminars that you can attend while at the show, go to
I'll be presenting this seminar in Seattle on August 19th, as well.

If you attend either show, please come by and say hello!

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Deck the Halls Displays

This post is an excerpt from the article that appears on page 88 of the July/August Issue of Country Business Magazine. I was asked to contribute ideas, and that information is in this part of the article. My appreciation goes out to writer Julie Ross! Do grab a copy and read her entire article.

‘Tis the season of window shopping, and festive displays can really draw a crowd.

This year, move beyond the traditional Christmas tree and manger scenes to create themed displays that showcase your store’s individuality. Debi Ward Kennedy, a retail visual design consultant from the Seattle area, encourages retailers to spice up their Christmas trees by displaying both Holiday and non-holiday gifts. She suggests using non-ornaments, such as teacups, plates, purses, toys, garden supplies or feather boas on your trees or tabletop displays, or create themed trees based around the product categories for which your store is known. When it comes to displaying ornaments, mix things up by showcasing the colorful baubles on items rather than evergreen boughs. Dangle ornaments down a fishing line suspended from the ceiling, or fill tall glass vases with unbreakable fabric, wood, or resin ornaments for a contemporary look.

(By the way, did you know you can pick up copies of Country Business magazine and other trade publications at trade shows?)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

They call me 'Decorating Diva Deb'...
because it is what I AM as well as what I DO

If you found me by way of my web site,, you already get the name thing. If you came from my other blog, Hummadeedledee, you get the cartoon graphic thing.
If I actually told you about my blog, I hope I warned you that it isn't like 'normal' blogs. I apologize if I didn't!

Let me just say that I am a crazed, obsessed, compulsive designer/decorator. With a background in Disney that causes my attraction to cartoon-like characters and silliness. And an energy level that could power the state of California (and they could use that right now, with the heat wave maxing out their grid and all...good thing I will be in San Francisco soon!)The stories I could tell about my formative years would have you open-mouthed and shaking your head in wonder. Wonder how I am allowed to roam freely, most likely.

I am that friend you call when you need to choose a paint color and are tired of standing in the paint aisle at Home Depot with glazed eyes and a look of hopelessness on your face. I have even been known to help choose paint colors over the phone, via instant messaged photos taken with the friend/client's phone cam. I know, I know. Crazed.

I am that psycho shopper who will actually take products from the lowest shelf because I refuse to mess up the display, and I must admit to even straightening up displays in stores that I do not design for. It's a bit like 'Random Acts of Kindness' - only it's 'Random Acts of Display'.

Never leave me alone in a room with a brush and a can of paint. Never.
Never leave me alone in a room, period. When you return, the furniture will be re-arranged to maximize space, the accessories will have been culled, and the window treatments will have been altered. Husbands have banned me from houses because of this. I tend to incite wild shopping sprees (at discount stores, mind you) and painting frenzies. (Why do men hate color on walls? WHAT IS THE DEAL?)

Professionally, I design retail stores, displays, and event decor.
I write articles about these subjects, and also speak at trade shows and conventions.

Fits me well...for, as you can tell, I am never at a loss for words.