One of the best parts about traveling for my work is the opportunity to meet people. Whether I am creating product displays or presenting a seminar at a gift show, giving a presentation at a meeting, delivering a design to a client, or participating in an event like the Victoria Magazine Bliss gathering last September, I most enjoy the one-on-one connections made. Since I've had this blog for a year and a half now, I have had the unparallelled joy of connecting with so many wonderful, interesting people through it. To receive an email or phone call from one of you, saying 'Hey Deb, do you have time to meet up while you're in town?' is something I really look forward to!
And that's just what happened this past weekend... Bacchus has been reading my drivvel here on my blog pretty much since day one. He's been to my seminars at the SFIGF, bless him. We've emailed, I've popped over to his blog, and I laugh every time I see his icon in my comments because I start singing the song that goes with it (you know, "I'm Mister Cold-Meister, I'm Mister Snoooooow"... and I STILL keep forgetting to ask him why he chose that particular character as his icon!) He emailed last week and asked if we could meet up, so we did! He trekked over to Moscone so we could meet 'Outside the cash & carry doors at one' as agreed, and I STILL had to call him and say..."Ummmmm...where are you?...." before he turned around and smiled and I recognized him! (I'm sorry, Bacchus, I'm OLD and sometimes it takes me awhile. Sheesh.) He apparently wasn't phased by that because he gave me a big hug. What a total sweetheart!
So Bacchus meets Mr. Deb, and then we all decide that lunch at the Market is a good idea, and set off on a walking tour. Not that we saw anything along the way - we were heavily engrossed in conversation about every subject under the sun! We get there and he suggests the caviar bar. Hmmmmmn. The sushi bar? Hmmmmn. How about the place with the great organic food? Yes! (OK, Deb is a picky eater, now you know.) This place was FAB. We got our plates and went outside to sit overlooking the bay. We sat and talked for more than an hour, dishing on business, home decor, kids (oh and he has the MOST adorable two year old boy! We shared photos of his son and my grandson), visual merchandising, gift shows....you name it, we talked about it. I feel like I've known him forever! We had a fabulous visit, and I cannot thank him enough for treating us to lunch - my intention was to treat him but Mr. Suave just slipped in there and paid before I had a chance to protest. Payback is coming, my friend!
See that great photo of us up above? Mr. Deb took that. Well, sort of...we didn't actually sit by the railing with the bridge behind us, we sat up against the building with the windows behind us. But the photo was just too busy with all those reflections in the background, so I cropped us and overlaid us into a photo of the bridge. Now it looks like a promo shot for a San Francisco tourism ad... except I'm NOT the model in this shot. I'll leave that to Mr. Suave. (Yes, he was a model! He's blushing as he reads this, I know....but after that 'legend' comment, I owe him some embarassment....) We really should have had wine glasses in our hands, not water bottles!
Bacchus has an amazing family of choice...I love that term. He has a blog where he dishes on his hubby and little boy without telling or showing too much for safety, shares impressions of life in the City, and chronicles the adventures of buying, owning, and remodeling a home. I think his idea should be a reality show: He shows photos of a room in the house (lately, the bathroom), gives a few choices he's considering, and then invites readers to chime in with their thoughts about what direction to take. I love this! (And he knows if that vintage bathroom tile does not get carefully removed and recycled, I will cry... I think it and the clamshell sink would make a perfectly funky fountain in the backyard, yes I do.) I think these guys are incredibly brave to allow others to make their choices, don't you?! The Diva is a control freak and could never be that brave....
Bacchus, thank you so much for a wonderful afternoon. I appreciate you making time in your busy life to meet me, and I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. We just have to get together again the next time I am in the Bay Area... and I'll bring the wine!