...and so when a design competition decides to make one of the challenges about window display design, well, I'm all over it. And of course, I can't be expected to watch it and then not comment, right? Here we go:

Apparently, some
Top Designers think like some cleaning services, and
DON'T do windows.
Case in point: Window above designed by Nathan & Shazia to not only showcase Andrae's
dress but to make his bizarre political statement, too. Even their description of what they tried to accomplish was confusing - as Kelly Wearstler said,
"It needs CliffsNotes..." becasue Andrae thought up a high-falutin' diatribe on the state of our union. And I get that Nathan was 'not inspired' by the garment - but hey, buck up, dude. Do you really think that every item that goes into a display personally
moves the designer? NOT! Get over it and back to work for your client!

Poor Big Daddy. Kerry got stuck with Wisit (don't get me started), who obviously didn't grasp
anything about Jeffrey's concept. Wisit refused to give up his Roccoco ideas (in a very passive/aggressive way) and Kerry was a nice guy and tried to work with it. And you know what they say about nice guys, right?
They get sent home. (PS: an interesting observation: This mannequin looks just like Kenley, from Project Runway. I know, I watch too much tv...)

The judges really
dissed this one by Eddie & Teresa for Santino's gothic creation, and I can't figure out
why. I personally think that a bit of adjustment is needed in the positioning of the furnishings (their silhouettes need to be featured in front of the red walls, not hidden by black mirrors), and maybe the wall color did need to be even more
grungy - rub in some black paint heavily around the edges, paint some cracks on there. Go more for the look from the film
'V for Vendetta', which is exactly what I thought of when I first saw Santino's cape & mask. (Yes, I know, I watch too much tv...) But all in all, it's a dramatic and effective window.

Preston & Andrea created this somber scene for Daniel's ethereal dress. And therein lies the problem. I agree with Jonathan Adler - the color combination is perfect. But it's
sad. A sad somber sorry window that has a spring dress in a dismal winter setting. no, No, and NO. Sorry, judges, you got this one wrong. But then, Daniel pretty much painted a picture...ooops, sorry, I mean wrote an epic poem...that gave the designers nowhere to go except where he told them to.

Then there's
this one. Sweet Pea (LOVE her!) brought a FABulous gown and said
'So, whaddya' wanna' do?' If that isn't the perfect client, I don't know what is! Ondine & Natalie worked together with Sweet Pea to set a scene, tell a story, transport the viewers to another time, place, and plane. The dress is the star, with color, props, scale, lighting, and movement acting as supporting cast members. (Yes, I realize I'm back to the movie metaphor, and I watch entirely too much tv....)Perfect Perfect Perfect! I'm in
total agreement that it's the clear winner.
BTW, I think people
highly underestimate Natalie...but watch out, world, this gal is brilliant. Being young is not a crime, and experience is not always better than creativity. My money's on her to win it all!
OK, now the big question (No, not that one): What would YOU do?
Pick a window, and redesign it. Tell us what you'd do, and why you'd pick that particular window or designer.
Photo Credits: All, bravotv.com/Top_Design