So. The retail sales forecasts all say
less people will be purchasing
less goods this Holiday. The news reports that malls are less crowded, and many stores did not sell out of their promotional merchandise on Black Friday for the first time in years. Big Boxes and Mom n' Pops alike are having Going Out of Business Sales and closing the doors. Banks are closing. All kinds of businesses are closing or laying off workers.
yet, Wall Street has had a few
banner days lately. Gas prices are dropping like rain. Ebay and Etsy are reporting an increase in sales. I know several independent shopowners who are seeing marked growth in their sales numbers over
last year at this time. Locally, scores of shoppers showed up for late-night and early-morning sales in the cities, and for small-town 'Holiday' weekend events. This dispite a dismal local situation where our largest employers are laying off, or workers are trying to recover from labor strikes.
People are still celebrating Christmas, Hannukah, and other winter holidays. They are still buying gifts and decorations, they are still driving to see family and friends. They still want to create wonderful environments and atmospheres and memories this Holiday season.
SO, at the risk of sounding just a
titch peeved, I'm gonna' kick y'all in the BUTTS and say this: For God's Sake, people, put a smile on your face, play some HAPPY Christmas music in your stores, welcome each and every person who walks in your shop with cider and cookies every darn day! Make them happy to be there! Talk to them about their Holiday plans, their Holiday memories,
their gift needs - just
please oh please oh please, don't regale them with your tales of woe over slow days and how low the register reciepts are!!!
It aint' as bad as the naysayers say it is, folks. So if you get customers coming in your doors, for goodness sake don't ruin the experience for them. They came to browse? Make them feel wonderful and they'll come back to BUY. Never fails. And those regular folks coming in once a week - are you showing them anything NEW? Have you foofed your displays to make them fresh and appealing? Have you made some signs to talk up new or special items?
In short, are you doing everything you can with every moment of your day to convert non-buying bodies in your store to purchasing customers???? If not,
stop moanin' already....... it's the independent merchants that are the hot ticket this year. It's all about the unique, the handmade, the artisan, the vintage & antique products. They are
looking for your stores and your products - go get them!!!