I wrote recently about one of my fave authors, Alexandra Stoddard , and her new book (her 25th!) titled 'You Are Your Choices'. I highly recommend this contemporary philosopher's perspectives on living beautifully in every facet of your life AND on color. She is fearless with it!
Today, I had the pleasure of meeting Sandie and hearing her speak on color. Her seminar at the Northwest Flower & Garden Show in Seattle was held in the very room where I present seminars on retail visual design & display - I will be remembering this day every time I walk into that room in the future! When it was announced that she would be signing books after the seminar, I purchased a copy of 'Time Alive', (which I hadn't known about!), and had her sign it. What a charming, vibrant, animated and inspiring woman...just like her books.
Alexandra (Sandie) and her husband Peter Brown, graciously signing my copy of her book. And how about that COLOR?! Love it. Absolutely. In her presentation, Sandie quoted Maya Angelou:
"When things look their darkest, look for the rainbow.
When things REALLY look their darkest, BE the rainbow."
I LOVE that. And this woman really knows how to shine in ANY color!
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