(Well, I'd type in the rest of her name up there if Blogger would let me...)
This is Sue Kirby. If you don't know who she is, let me introduce you!
Sue is a public speaker extrordinaire. Her infectious smile and bubbly laugh combine with a quick wit and some of the most hilarious stories you've ever heard - keeping audiences rolling in the aisles. Sue speaks at trade shows, business associations, women's organizations, and church retreats across the country. Her subjects range from uplifting, heartfelt observations of life as a woman to incredibly creative ideas for succeeding in business.
This latter subject is how I met Sue, who was speaking at West coast retail gift shows. I was bowled over by her spunky attitude, and before I knew it, I was hired to present seminars on the subject of retail merchandising on the same stage as Sue. Talk about a lucky break!!! I've been blessed to work with her, watch her, listen to her, learn from her, 'warm up her crowd' and come up with funny introductions for her, and be inspired by her incredible spirit for over five years now. She moved from Oregon to Washington recently, and now lives just an hour away from me. We are both so busy that we never see one another except at the gift shows, though.
Tuesday, we are meeting for lunch, and a brainstorming session of mammoth proportions. We've got something up our sleeves, and it may just turn out to be our best idea yet! But even if it never goes anywhere, our time laughing together will be the real bonus... I am so blessed to have this generous and fun woman as a business associate and friend.
Check out Sue's web site at www.suekirby.com for more info on this amazing woman! And if you are attending a gift show, check out the seminar listing to see if Sue is speaking - and get in there!!!!
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