I just received an email from my mom, with these photos in it...
Funny, but REALLY creative ideas for packaging!

As I viewed them, I started thinking about the whole 'bag issue' we face today: Paper? Plastic? Cloth? Recycled? It's an argument that can't be won, really - although I personally agree with outlawing thin plastic sacks. There are many variables: cost, availability, manufacturing processes that make some paper bags as dangerous as plastic ones.

I also remembered something my friend Sher used to do: She'd buy a gorgeous paper gift bag every season, laminate it, and take it with her everywhere to use when she shopped. This was, oh, ten years ago. (She's SO ahead of the curve...)

As you look at these, can you come up with some creative shopping bag ideas for your store?
Can you use this walking advertisement to promote your mission, or share an inspirational thought? Perhaps the best way to attract attention is not to splash your store name and brand across a bag or tshirt, but to share something that expresses the essence of your purpose.

I do NOT recomend using THIS image or anything like it! But hey, what if that was a single red rose instead? Or an envelope with the words 'To My Love' written in script on it? Or a baby rattle? What do you sell? How can you feature it in a fun way?
And perhaps, contribute to making something so useful that it will be REused over and over and over again. That's the best kind of recycling...
Image credits as provided by 'anonymous' commenter:
YKM is in Istanbul, it's one of Turkey's well-known department stores
The "Nail Biter" bag is for the anti nail biting product "Stop'n'Grow”
The bag with the person's face on it is for Panadol pain reliever
The "Reach out to Children with Autism" bag promotes the efforts of the Dubai Autism Center
The gun themed bag is promoting the work of Belgium crime novelist Pieter Aspe
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