My friend Adrienne read my Facebook page and saw my comment that I am packing to move. So, she asked 'Where are you moving to - and WHY?!'
WHY? Because we are crazy people! I mean, doesn't everyone just up and move in the midst of the busiest month of one partner's year and immediately preceding the busiest month of the other partner's year? Isn't that normal?! I guess not, but then Mr. Deb and I have not often been accused of resembling anything close to normal!
The 'where' is the cool part. We found our dream house in July. Well, actually, the house isn't so much of a dream. It's OK, as houses go, and will be serviceable until we remodel it into the open, spacious feel we envision. But the rest....oh wow. It's a farm, with 6 acres of flat sunny land near the beach on an island that is located only 30 minutes North of where we now live. With barns and outbuildings and shops and possibilities for us to grow our business to a size we have previously only dreamed of.
And that's the biggest point of all.... we imagined this for 30 years.
When we talk about what we want our business to be, our life to be, our retirement to look like, this is it. It's what we've always wanted, and even the parts we didn't know we wanted are included! Through a series of miracles and serendipitous events, we are moving in less than four months from the day we found it. I want to say that I firmly believe that imagining, dreaming, envisioning, and having faith that things can happen is paramount to success.
I know, I know, everyone says it's hard work and blood, sweat, and tears that make things happen. That it's balance sheets and credit lines and bank accounts that build businesses. That education and experience are paramount to success. And to a certain extent, they are right....but without imagining the possibilities first, how do you know what that 'success' will look like? Without blueprints, how do you know what the house you build will look like before it exists?
It's been said that a business plan is a roadmap to success. Truly, a business plan is a concept - a dream, if you will - of what you want your business to look like. You are imagining the structure, the form, the details, the outcome, and putting them into the 'tangible form' of words, to precede the 'tangible form' of what they become. You are creating your own path, blueprint, map, to follow so that things come out looking like you want them to: Designing a business, so to speak. And design begins with imagining something that doesn't exist yet.
We've been creating those 'blueprints' for years. Along the way, we doubted that we'd find what we really wanted....until we chose to stop doubting and start believing that it could become reality. Less than one month after we made that decision, we turned a corner (literally!) and found this place. Life changed completely. And our business plan ramped up into high gear. By next weekend, we'll be living in our new place and off on our new journey....amazed, thankful, grateful, and blessed. (And totally ready for the 'hard work' part!)
My turn for a question:
What are YOU imagining for your business, your life, your future????
"Thoughts become things....choose the good ones." TM
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
First Question!
There's a line a film I heard recently that set off a train of thought in my overloaded brain. It goes something like this:
"Yeah, I know all about the American Dream.
That's where you take something you love to do and twist it and wrangle it into something that will make you famous or make you money, and it ends up sucking all of the life out of you...and pretty soon, you don't want to do it anymore. Some dream."
Harry Connick, Jr.'s character delivers that line in the film 'Hope Floats', when Sandra Bullock's character says to him, "You could do so much more...". I know, it's a chick flick, but regardless of where it originated, that's a hard-hitting line for anyone in business. (Kind of like the new ad slogan that says "In small business, there are no small decisions". Too true.)
So let me ask you this: Are you living a version of your dream, or waiting for a dream to appear, or has what was once a dream been choked out by fighting to survive? And where do we all go from where we are?
The Diva has days, my friends, where she questions the sanity of having a business at all. It would be so darned easy to get a job creating fab displays for a retailer like Anthro, or Macys, or Nordies. Go in, punch the clock, do the work for eight hours, punch out, go home, have wine, relax. Know exactly how much $$$$ was coming in the paycheck each week. I'm not talking a creative director's position, oh no, I'm talking an hourly schleppin' haulin' hard workin' crew member position. Yes, I do consider it sometimes.
I always decide against it, though. Why?
Well, to answer that is to answer a question I received from Deena in Utah, who wants to know what my passion is and do I live it?
My passion isn't just designing and creating gorgeous displays of products, or welcoming environments, or stunning event decor. If it was, I'd probably have done the 'fallback' thing by now. But my true passion, beside and beneath all of the decorative stuff, is helping small businesses. I want to share and give what I can to equip and encourage you to succeed, even in an economic climate that is questionable at times like this.
My mission statement reads 'I achieve success by supporting and educating independent merchants and small businesses, and contributing to their success.' I want to see you reach your goals, attain your version of your dream (American or otherwise), and grow a successful business. So the blogs and the videos and the articles and the seminars and the trade show displays I do all boil down to me wanting to contribute to the community of small independent mom n' pop businesses that are the heartbeat of our American economy. To share what I learn, to teach what I know, to consult and help at reasonable cost because it's all connected. You succeed, I succeed, WE succeed.
So yes, I DO live my passion. And the coolest thing about it is that it's growing, changing, embracing new ideals and heading in new directions. Most of what I am already doing is a part of the future, along with so much more. I am excited and can't wait to get my feet on the ground and start running with it all. I've given myself permission to dream again, to take that thing I love to do and do it - without twisting it or wrangling it into something that doesn't resemble my dream at all anymore.
I've untied my own knots, so to speak!
Thanks, Deena...I appreciated your email.
"Yeah, I know all about the American Dream.
That's where you take something you love to do and twist it and wrangle it into something that will make you famous or make you money, and it ends up sucking all of the life out of you...and pretty soon, you don't want to do it anymore. Some dream."
Harry Connick, Jr.'s character delivers that line in the film 'Hope Floats', when Sandra Bullock's character says to him, "You could do so much more...". I know, it's a chick flick, but regardless of where it originated, that's a hard-hitting line for anyone in business. (Kind of like the new ad slogan that says "In small business, there are no small decisions". Too true.)
So let me ask you this: Are you living a version of your dream, or waiting for a dream to appear, or has what was once a dream been choked out by fighting to survive? And where do we all go from where we are?
The Diva has days, my friends, where she questions the sanity of having a business at all. It would be so darned easy to get a job creating fab displays for a retailer like Anthro, or Macys, or Nordies. Go in, punch the clock, do the work for eight hours, punch out, go home, have wine, relax. Know exactly how much $$$$ was coming in the paycheck each week. I'm not talking a creative director's position, oh no, I'm talking an hourly schleppin' haulin' hard workin' crew member position. Yes, I do consider it sometimes.
I always decide against it, though. Why?
Well, to answer that is to answer a question I received from Deena in Utah, who wants to know what my passion is and do I live it?
My passion isn't just designing and creating gorgeous displays of products, or welcoming environments, or stunning event decor. If it was, I'd probably have done the 'fallback' thing by now. But my true passion, beside and beneath all of the decorative stuff, is helping small businesses. I want to share and give what I can to equip and encourage you to succeed, even in an economic climate that is questionable at times like this.
My mission statement reads 'I achieve success by supporting and educating independent merchants and small businesses, and contributing to their success.' I want to see you reach your goals, attain your version of your dream (American or otherwise), and grow a successful business. So the blogs and the videos and the articles and the seminars and the trade show displays I do all boil down to me wanting to contribute to the community of small independent mom n' pop businesses that are the heartbeat of our American economy. To share what I learn, to teach what I know, to consult and help at reasonable cost because it's all connected. You succeed, I succeed, WE succeed.
So yes, I DO live my passion. And the coolest thing about it is that it's growing, changing, embracing new ideals and heading in new directions. Most of what I am already doing is a part of the future, along with so much more. I am excited and can't wait to get my feet on the ground and start running with it all. I've given myself permission to dream again, to take that thing I love to do and do it - without twisting it or wrangling it into something that doesn't resemble my dream at all anymore.
I've untied my own knots, so to speak!
Thanks, Deena...I appreciated your email.
Monday, October 27, 2008

Ok, I'm ready. It's time to Hit Me With Your Best Shot! (Lyric Credit: Pat Benatar).
Got any topics you'd like to hear more about?
How about inspiring photos or resources you've been looking for?
Or perhaps comments about what I've been sharing about lately? (It's OK, I can take it....just don't do it anonymously, please!)
I know there must be some questions that have been burning in your brain about business, retail, decorating, marketing, branding, speaking, writing, video hosting... You can ask me almost anything. Really. Oh, what the heck, let's go all out: Personal, too.
No, I don't mean I'll give advice a la' Dear Abby (though 'Dear Diva' does have a nice ring to it...)because quite frankly I am soooooo not qualified to do that! I mean I'll answer any reasonable question about me, Mr. Deb, et al - except anything obviously inappropriate or involving the exact location of the new Diva central headquarters, my bank account number, my car license get the drift. (double wink).
Actually, go ahead and address those to Dear Diva - I kind of like the sound of that!
Post them in comments here on the blog or email me at
((Speaking of which, here's the answer to one burning question I know someone will inevitably ask: No, I still haven't redesigned my web site. Yes, I know how hideous it is. I hate it. I ignore it. I don't even tell people about it, I just direct them here to my design blog instead. Dear former client/Microsoft guy tried but...well, I just think guys don't get what I want from a web site. I've got to find a savvy, sassy, saucy chick here locally to work with me to do it right. That's on my goal sheet for ought nine! Really, it is!))
I'll be answering your queries in the next few posts, so go ahead and Hit Me Baby, One More Time! (lyric credit: Britney Spears)OK OK no more song title punchlines...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Eddie really delivered some zingers onTop Design last night.
Let's revisit a few of his 'best' moments, shall we?

"I've flown on Martha Stewart's JET! How many people can say that they've flown on Martha Stewart's JET?" sigh. (thinking: 'I AM the best.')

"I don't know where it comes from. Just a gift from God, I guess!!!"
(thinking: 'And I spell God M-A-R-T-H-A'.)

"I don't need someone to tell me it's good. It's my JOB to know when it's good. And it's always good. I work for the BEST, for God's sake."
(NOT thinking: 'Wearing this shirt on camera will bring on a slew of laundry lessons from Martha, and possibly a visit from Tim Gunn....')

"Preston is a whooooooole lotta' talk..but not much to back it up."
(thinking: "Oh crap. I'm screwed.")

(thinking: 'PHONED IT IN???PHONED IT IN???? Are you KIDDING me? I work for Martha Stewart!!!!')

"Well, of course everyone is entitled to (my...I mean...)their...opinion. But I know plenty of people who would LOVE that room." (thinking: 'like Martha....and I am SO going to get a raise for mentioning her so much.')
And finally, "A gay's gotta' do what a gay's gotta' do." (thinking: 'Preston is better than me. But he can't be better than me, because I AM the best and I work for the BEST. So I have to do everything I can to sabotage him so I'll win and not be the laughing stock of MSLO when I go back to work....').
Poor Eddie. He just can't help being such a horse's arse, so I just think of him as the south end of Mr. Ed. (Yes, THAT Mr. Ed.) I had the thought that he'll be mighty embarassed when he doesn't win and goes back to work - but then I quickly realized that Eddie's super-sized ego will never accept that. He'll go back to MSLO as bombastic and precocious as ever, maligning the taste of the judges and announcing his superior intellect forever. And no one will notice a thing, because they all know that this is just Eddie. EquusRumpus Bombasticus.
Image Credits: All photos from Bravo TV's Top Design
Let's revisit a few of his 'best' moments, shall we?

"I've flown on Martha Stewart's JET! How many people can say that they've flown on Martha Stewart's JET?" sigh. (thinking: 'I AM the best.')

"I don't know where it comes from. Just a gift from God, I guess!!!"
(thinking: 'And I spell God M-A-R-T-H-A'.)

"I don't need someone to tell me it's good. It's my JOB to know when it's good. And it's always good. I work for the BEST, for God's sake."
(NOT thinking: 'Wearing this shirt on camera will bring on a slew of laundry lessons from Martha, and possibly a visit from Tim Gunn....')

"Preston is a whooooooole lotta' talk..but not much to back it up."
(thinking: "Oh crap. I'm screwed.")

(thinking: 'PHONED IT IN???PHONED IT IN???? Are you KIDDING me? I work for Martha Stewart!!!!')

"Well, of course everyone is entitled to (my...I mean...)their...opinion. But I know plenty of people who would LOVE that room." (thinking: 'like Martha....and I am SO going to get a raise for mentioning her so much.')
And finally, "A gay's gotta' do what a gay's gotta' do." (thinking: 'Preston is better than me. But he can't be better than me, because I AM the best and I work for the BEST. So I have to do everything I can to sabotage him so I'll win and not be the laughing stock of MSLO when I go back to work....').
Poor Eddie. He just can't help being such a horse's arse, so I just think of him as the south end of Mr. Ed. (Yes, THAT Mr. Ed.) I had the thought that he'll be mighty embarassed when he doesn't win and goes back to work - but then I quickly realized that Eddie's super-sized ego will never accept that. He'll go back to MSLO as bombastic and precocious as ever, maligning the taste of the judges and announcing his superior intellect forever. And no one will notice a thing, because they all know that this is just Eddie. EquusRumpus Bombasticus.
Image Credits: All photos from Bravo TV's Top Design
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
She Gets the Last Laugh...

And OH what a laugh it is!!!!
My video with Tammy Gilley of Tammy Gilley Design is finally up on the Gift & Home Channel - and you can see it here !
Even though Miss Tammy was the first 'guest interview' segment I filmed, it's been released last. In it, you'll see some of Tammy's creative ideas for display, products, and of course hear her legendary giggle. I dare you not to smile when you do!!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Creativity On Display

Are you looking for some exciting new unique products to sell in your store? Check out the original and absolutely darling personal accessories created by designer Bari J. - we filmed a video segment for the Gift & Home Channel, and it's available for viewing here!
Thank you again, Bari - you were FABulous and it was a lot of fun!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Think Pink

I've read so much lately in trade mags & web sites about how to increase traffic & business in a tough financial time like this. Lots of great ideas out there (and a few lame ones, to be truthful!) But one of the best ones I've heard of is happening because a friend of mine got together with some other independent shop owners, and did some brainstorming... here's how it happened:
The owner of an antique boutique got together with the owner of a day spa, and the owner of a country home decor shop, and the owner of a gift & decor shop, and they started talking about business. What resulted was an idea to sponsor a marketplace sale - one where shops and individual business people and dealers could rent table space in a rented building, haul in their goodies to sell, and the public could come and shop. There will be food and wine tastings, too. And music. The event will take place on a weekend when there are several other community events (pumpkin patches, farm tours, craft shows) going on and there will be thousands of people in town. Choosing this weekend for the sale was a calculated stroke of genius.
Then they went ot the Mayor and had him make a proclamation that October is Pink Pumpkin month in town. Forever. Talk about branding!
A bonus for shoppers is that most of the merchandise is to be discounted, and a bonus for vendors is that it helps shopowners get some old merchandise out of their shops & storage units before the Holidays. AND it drives business to the shops. The icing on the cake is that each vendor's table fee and the entry fees for the shoppers will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Research.
And so, the event is called 'Pink Pumpkins for the Cure', and all of the vendor tables sold in one week. This idea has caught on like wildfire! Every shop who is participating is displaying pink pumpkins in their windows with info about the sale. All of the vendors at the sale will have pink pumpkins in their displays and will wear pink. One great way to tie in a shopportunity to a community event and a charity fundraiser.
Oh, did I mention that this idea was cooked up in one hour just two weeks ago? These gals move FAST! And there's more where that came from. Check out the tagline and logo they came up with to cover all future promotions:

Smart women. They aren't waiting for the town to promote them - they are taking it on themselves and succeeding. Now, what can you do to work with other independent merchants in your community to help pne another succeed????
Images copyright 2008 S5; All Use Prohibited
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A Video Journey Into 'The Present Past'...

This sweet gal is Heather Bullard. With her is her hubby Jim, affectionately known as 'The Man'.
'Heather and The Man' were at Farm Chicks last June, and it was so much fun meeting her in person, after knowing each other online. Mr. Deb and The Man had a great time pallin' around, too! Miss Heather graciously agreed to film some video footage with me, (Heather does everything graciously - and gracefully!) and we had so much fun creating a video that will provide inspiration to retailers and decorators alike. Thank you again for sharing your time, your knowledge, and your enthusiasm, sweet girl. You inspire us all!
And she's a pro - the video you see is one big take. No cuts, no stops. Badah BOOM, Baby!
That video segment is now viewable at the Gift & Home Channel online:
Heather Bullard Inspires Us . Since the contact info is not on their web site, let me provide it for you:
Heather Bullard
'The Present Past'
web site
Parisian Soiree Event
Heather is also a contributing blogger on the HomeGoods openhouse blog.
Jim & Heather parked their trailer next to ours at the show... and I am still wondering how she got all that fabulous STUFF that you see in her booth into that itty bitty UHaul!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Videos Two & Three on the Gift & Home Channel

Today another two videos in my series of six debuted on the Gift & Home Channel.
One is all about sourcing and using 'statement pieces' in your visual merchandising... see it here ! The other is about simple ways to up the ante in your shop displays - filmed in our retreat booth at the show. see it here!
Since it's not on the GHC web site, I want to provide you with information on all of the booths we filmed in. To all of the vendors featured, THANK YOU for your generous participation!
Flutterby Girls:
Garden Girls: (under construction)
Auntie Joys:
Booth with the Green Volvo car!: 'Forget Me Not'
One is all about sourcing and using 'statement pieces' in your visual merchandising... see it here ! The other is about simple ways to up the ante in your shop displays - filmed in our retreat booth at the show. see it here!
Since it's not on the GHC web site, I want to provide you with information on all of the booths we filmed in. To all of the vendors featured, THANK YOU for your generous participation!
Flutterby Girls:
Garden Girls: (under construction)
Auntie Joys:

Booth with the Green Volvo car!: 'Forget Me Not'
Sally Barlow & Nancy Frederickson
shop located at 1402 N. 4th Street Coeur d' Alene, Idaho 208.765.9493
Monday, October 6, 2008
New Ideas are Springing up Everywhere...

I've got a hot link for you:
So just what is Springwise? I could go on and on, but I'll let them tell you:
In their own words, 'One of the world's leading sources of new business ideas, powered by a network of 8,000 spotters'. Springwise scans the globe for the most promising business ventures, ideas and concepts that are ready for regional or international adaptation, expansion, partnering, investments or cooperation. We ferociously track more than 400 global offline and online business resources, as well as taking to the streets of world cities, digital cameras at hand. To ensure true ‘glocal’ coverage, the central office is in close contact with more than 8,000 Springspotters in over 70 countries worldwide.
Springwise's weekly newsletter, to which you can subscribe for free, is sent to more than 100,000 business professionals in more than 120 countries. Springwise is the first company to compile and send out a newsletter like this on a global scale, making optimal use of an ever more networked world. Established in spring of 2002, Springwise is headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Who is it for?
'Springwise is required brain food for entrepreneurial minds!' Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, head of a start-up, management consultant, marketing manager, consumer insights expert, trend watcher, journalist, private investor, business development director, or venture capitalist, Springwise will instantly inspire you by getting the world’s most promising new business ideas and young ventures right in front of you.
Yes, it's for retailers. And designers, and more. Go check it out and be completely inspired at all of the new creative ideas out there in the world...
All descriptive text and photo property of Springwise, via
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