This sweet gal is Heather Bullard. With her is her hubby Jim, affectionately known as 'The Man'.
'Heather and The Man' were at Farm Chicks last June, and it was so much fun meeting her in person, after knowing each other online. Mr. Deb and The Man had a great time pallin' around, too! Miss Heather graciously agreed to film some video footage with me, (Heather does everything graciously - and gracefully!) and we had so much fun creating a video that will provide inspiration to retailers and decorators alike. Thank you again for sharing your time, your knowledge, and your enthusiasm, sweet girl. You inspire us all!
And she's a pro - the video you see is one big take. No cuts, no stops. Badah BOOM, Baby!
That video segment is now viewable at the Gift & Home Channel online:
Heather Bullard Inspires Us . Since the contact info is not on their web site, let me provide it for you:
Heather Bullard
'The Present Past'
web site
Parisian Soiree Event
Heather is also a contributing blogger on the HomeGoods openhouse blog.
Jim & Heather parked their trailer next to ours at the show... and I am still wondering how she got all that fabulous STUFF that you see in her booth into that itty bitty UHaul!!!
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