Seminole Heights residents... fans of Tampa Street Market... public transport enthusiasts... We are trying to get a group together to join in the Urban Charrette's event "Paint the Town Green" on Friday April 2nd. This is a sort of pub crawl and social event involving public transit and bars and restaurants from Downtown Tampa to Ybor City.
Here's the deal, we want to put together a Seminole Heights crew that will meet up in the hood (I'm thinking at the Independent) at 5:30 or so and then hop a #1 Hart bus to downtown at about 6:00. Most of those "other" people participating will be driving downtown and parking (LAME!) We are going to show them one of the best reasons to live in Seminole Heights - EASY ACCESS TO PUBLIC TRANSIT AND DOWNTOWN!
So join in, meet up, have a pint, and we'll try to hit a few spots on the map. The participating bars are -
Downtown -
the new Sono Cafe at the Tampa Museum
Columbia Cafe at Tampa History Center,
Sail Pavilion at the Convention Center,
the Tampa River Taxi (not sure if they have drinks) and
Ybor -
Gaspar's Grotto,
the James Joyce, and
Tre Amici
We won't make it to all of these, but that being said, depending on the size of our group and how late each person wants to stay out, we will assume anyone can cab it home anytime they want. The #1 bus runs home up Florida Avenue every half an hour from the Marion Transit Center although I learned the hard way that the bus pass you get for this event only works on the day you buy it... lesson learned, get on the bus before midnight or catch a cab home.
The main idea is to get a group of us on the bus and head downtown and have some fun. Let's show the city of Tampa that we can and will use transit when it goes where we want to go!
If you're interested in joining us or doing it on your own, here's the link to buy your pass with Paypal that entitles you to a one day transit pass and some discounts at the stops...
and find us on Facebook as well!
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