Sunday, May 30, 2010

Houses of Interest in Nauvoo

The Willard Richards Inn is currently a place people can stay when they visit Nauvoo. Willard was single when he called as an apostle. Susan Easton Black said, "I know why he was single, he weighed over 300 pounds." He did marry, however, and his wife, Janetta is buried on Hwy 96 as you come in to town and you can see her grave from the road. He was with the prophet, Joseph Smith and the patriarch, Hyrum, at the time of the martyrdom. Prophecies concerning his safety were fulfilled as his earlobe was only grazed by a bullet and no other damage occurred. He later served as a counselor to President Brigham Young and hiked up Ensign Peak when the brethren hiked to survey that Great Salt Lake Valley.
The David Yearsley Home was built in 1840 and was the tallest private residence in Nauvoo. It is believed the foundation rests on solid rock. In 1854, the basement of the house was used as the Nauvoo City Jail. Currently it is missionary housing for the YPMs. The top floor is not usable because there is not an outside fire escape.

This is the Orson Hyde home. He was one of the original member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He went on a mission to Palestine and in 1841 on top of the Mount of Olives dedicated the Holy Land for the gathering of the Jews. This home was built in 1843 and occupied by his family. He was also the Apostle that publicly dedicated the original Nauvoo Temple on May 1, 1846. Currently, this home serves as the Nauvoo Pageant offices and is occupied by my dear friends, Elder and Sister McMinn.

This is the Newel K. Whitney home. He was the Presiding Bishop of the Church for many years. His story is more magnificent in Kirtland, but Elizabeth Ann Whitney was chosen by Emma to be one of her counselors when the Relief Society was first organized. One thought to ponder: Emma chose counselors in whose homes she had lived at one time. She knew these women and trusted them. They were faithful and loyal friends.

This is the Coolidge house, later purchased by Johann Georg Kaufmann, as you can see written on the house. Joseph Coolidge and his wife were friends of Joseph Smith and his wife, Emma. He was construction contractor, cabinet maker and joiner. It was built in 1843, but purchased in 1848. The German on it says: I was here and whoever is reading this was also here. This house is mine, but really not mine, and who comes after me, will also be so fine. When I'm on the wagon tour, I read the German to people and then give a rough translation,which they seem to enjoy. I know, "Stick to the script, Sister Geilmann." I wasn't very good at it on my first mission and I'm not any better at it here.

Simeon Dunn was baptized in 1839 in Michigan by his brother, James. He wanted to meet a living prophet so he walked 500 miles to Nauvoo and moved his family here in 1840. Some of my friends live in this house, Elder and Sister Anderson. This is also the home in which the spice tins were found that are now housed in our little bakery.

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