Friday, July 30, 2010

Jason, Cheree, Kelsie, Candace, Carter in Nauvoo

In front of the Nauvoo Temple. This is where the phrase eternal families really comes to light. These are my nieces and nephews forever because of the choices my parents made, the choices their parents made and because of the choices they made. It feels so good to know that we are an eternal family.
At David's Chamber, just as you enter Nauvoo. It's a great picnic spot where there's a lovely little waterfall. There is a bridge and a look-out there.

Kelsie, Candace and Carter at the Old Stone Bridge. In the movie, Emma, a really romantic scene is shot here. This is actually the drainage ditch out of Nauvoo to the Mississippi River. We decided to do a silly pose instead of the traditional one.

A description of Nauvoo which is located just at the outskirts of downtown as to come in to Nauvoo. It is along the Great River Road.

Although I didn't get the Quarry in, this is the temple quarry from which the limestone was extracted that built the original Nauvoo Temple. It is now full of water, but it would have been a lot of hard work to chistle the stones, drag them by oxen uphill about a mile away to the temple and then mold them into shape, and then lift them by pulley to their spot.

At the Old Nauvoo Cemetery--we're not sure where our relatives are buried, but his statue says so much as four of the five that were buried were children, the other was their mother.

At the Old Nauvoo Cemetery, showing the names of our relatives who died here in Nauvoo. There are four on the board, but actually there were 5. One wasn't recorded.

Candace and Kelsie signing the Seventies register. Carter was hiding under the table. We had a great grandfather, James Madison Chadwick, who was a seventy here.

Monday, July 26, 2010

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Outstanding Houses Architecture

Outstanding Houses Architecture

Everybody wanted to have a house, house that would serve as a foundation of a new and better relationship for the future. Anybody assumes and dreams of it, from our childhood until we reach the adolescent and adult period of our lives. As we grow old lots of designs puff out from our minds, different architecture, and many more.

Those serve as our inspiration to achieve our respective dreams, aspirations, plans, and goals. Until today the sketches of our dreams remains in our palm, waiting for its existence and reality.

The following are the ideal houses just for you..

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Nauvoo Pageant--A Testimony of the Gospel

This depicts the rising of the Nauvoo Temple. The sisters are standing firm and true as they assist the Priesthood in the building of the temple. What I didn't get a picture of is the brethren to side, pulling the ropes that bring those panels to the top. But it's all about Relief Society and Priesthood working together to build the kingdom of God.
Joseph Smith explains to the Fordham children the events of the first vision. When he finishes, George says, "Then I won't doubt it either". I love that testimony. I love the way the Pageant explains the basic principles of the gospel in such a clear way that people cannot misunderstand.

Becky Laird, a fictional character, created from the real stories of many of the early converts to the Church, meeting the prophet, Joseph Smith. "It's you. Though I'd never seen ya, I'd known ya, you're the prophet." He husband, Robert, stands behind. He goes through the process of having "a little light" come in to him as he comes to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tia was one of "my kids" for four years. I happened to be sitting right down in front and was able to get a picture of her. But the scene is welcoming the arriving Saints to Nauvoo.

And what do all the prophets teach? "Of Jesus Christ, the Son of God!" Joseph explains the basic premise that Jesus Christ is who we worship--the He is our Savior and our Redeemer.

Mrs. Elijah Fordham and her children. They played a great role in the building of the temple and Elijah's miraculous healing in Montrose is protrayed as a part of the Nauvoo Miracles.

Hello, I said hello. Parley P. Pratt begins the Nauvoo Pageant experience. He keeps the story line going as he relates the lives and history of the early Nauvoo Saints.

Nauvoo Pageant and the Trail of Hope

Eliza R. Snow sings "Though Deepening Trials", a song written by her. Christie Turnbow protrays Eliza and has one of the most beautiful, clear voices I have ever heard.
Charli, from Great Britain, portrays Leonora Taylor. She is so genuine in her work, she is a great asset to the pageant.

Sarah Leavitt and her daughter detail the death of their husband/father in Bentonsporte, just across the river. Susan, the young girl, has been one of "my kids" for four years. This year, she sliced her achilles tendon on a chair rack and has been taken out of the pageant other than this vingnette. She sang with such clarity, "Come let us Anew". It was very moving.

Telling the story of Bathsheba and George Smith. They gave what was to be packed and the emotions of leaving their homes behind them.

Women of Nauvoo

Emma Smith from the Nauvoo Pageant. This is the only picture I have of Chauntee playing Emma. She is doing a fabulous job!!!
Sisters were not only given the charge to care for the poor and the needy, but to instruct one another. These sisters are listening to Emma give instructions.

When sisters fell ill, the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo were there to care for the needs of their sisters. This is one of the stories of such an incident. I think this is the only picture I took of Eliza, so she's the one to the far right with the book in her hand.

Sisters gathered together to help one another in the work of the kingdom. Facing the camera are Margaret Cook, the seamstress, who worked with Sarah Granger Kimball to sew the shirts for the brethren of the temple and Jane Manning, who donated a red hen that wouldn't stay with the donations, so they gave Jane the charge of raising the hen and providing for the needs of the poor.

King Follett Discourse

This is Jeff Dickamore who protrays Joseph Smith in the Nauvoo Pageant. Jeff does such a remarkable job of being Joseph that some people forget he isn't the prophet. During the "cutting" from this funeral sermon that lasted over 2 hours and was preached to a very large crowd, Joseph Smith taught some of the most essential doctrines of salvation. One such doctrine was that mothers would have their children after this life. Knowing how many women had lost their young ones in Nauvoo, that had to be particularly comforting to them. Notice the ring on his finger. Jeff isn't married, so he has to borrow one to give the part of the sermon wherein he talks about life without beginning or end.
This is Joseph Goodmunson. He was with me as a young boy in the children's support group and now he's a 14 year old and has learned how to be a piper. He is a very gifted musician. Each show begins with a performance from the bagpipers. They do such an excellent job of setting the stage for the vignettes.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Interior designs for 2010 and beyond

They say that what is cool in fashion changes overnight and while the world of interior design is not that overly dynamic, the trends when it comes to doing your interiors also change with passing time. With each year come there are new hot designing tips, colors that are more relevant, shades that reinvent the space that surrounds you and accessories that add a whole new dimension to your home. So what is hot and happening in 2009 and what will be the fashion that will hold sway in the months to come? Here are a few hot interior design styles of 2009. 





The latest when it comes to interior designing is to integrate a great looking blueprint with a home that is great to live in and easy to use. Modern architecture and special arrangement looks for a fine balance between cozy interiors and a sleek and sensuous look. Eye-candy homes are no longer the rave. Utility and practical value is the latest mantra.

One of the major impacts on the designing styles of 2009 will be that of the global economic meltdown and how people will think twice before they part with their cash. The trend will be to mix and match the old stuff that is still useful with new accessories that are affordable and add a little something to the space. Excessive and extravagant spending of cash and throwing away everything old as it does not match the new look will be a thing of the past for some time now.


Going with a simple and stylish look seems to be the way forward for 2009 as a clutter-free interior is the popular choice among both consumers and designers. This gives the room a more sophisticated and ergonomic look along with saving on the cash. Only keep what’s needed and arrange it with precision.




There is no doubt that the minimalist look is the most popular style that is going around today when it comes to designing either office spaces or homes. The minimalist design saves on space, looks futuristic and with contrasting bright and bold patterns the look just gets accentuated further. If you look around any modern home design today, you are most likely to find something in lines with this fast catching trend.

Going green with the energy usage in your home is a great way to invest in the future. That pattern is being quickly and silently integrated into the design and structure of most modern homes. The further you go green, the more you will reap its benefits in the longer run. It is not just a healthy initiative that you can take, but something that you can be really proud of.


The blacks, whites and grays are always popular and go well with the more modern look, but it is the bright shades such as vibrant oranges, cool blues and exciting yellows that will rule the year. So go all out and paint the interiors in the bold and bright shade that you love. You can be also sure that this will lift your mood when you are a bit down.

The designing styles and trends of 2009 seem to be following the global recession to an extent and also the sleek and ergonomic look that people seem to taking to heart. It is also nice to see how functionality is again gaining prominence when compared to form.


Fascinating Furnitures

Anybody wanted to have a elegant and extraordinary furniture's that not only suites your taste but also fitted in your budget, on that case let me help you choose the best furniture's for you, here are some.!

In this latest & fashionable world every one wants to maintain their status & standard A class for which they can do every thing at any cost. They always updated with new & latest fashion that comes in the market recently. They can use latest variety of cloths to improve their personality & use fashionable & latest furniture to boost up their status & standard at very less efforts & cost. 



So there are always new & stylish furniture come in the market every day but now new furniture design for your beautiful home that really capable of improving your living standards. New approach for today is new approach for your home decoration & really looking different & elegant & never come in the market in the past. Design of this new furniture is truly beyond belief & amazing that really looking cool & fashionable. This new approach of furniture design will help you to decorate your home in new sense of interior decoration if you are trying to decorate your home & you do not have enough sense to think about your better look of your home than this really work.



This blog will provide the latest collection of furniture that really outstanding & gorgeous just for you. These beautiful sofas are the center of attraction of this fashionable & stylish furniture that is really makes a great impact on all the visitors of your home. A set of stackable chairs made of molded wood or plastic is also another fantastic part of this fashionable furniture that is fit anywhere at your home at any place. For hotel and office lobbies its ergonomic shape and portability is really suitable & make it ideal that can improve the look & appearance of your hotel & lobbies. So if you really a fashionable & stylish person then these furniture is capable of improving your standards & living style.

Inspiration Thursday: Austin, Africa, and The New Imperialism

[Charles] Owning your own business is not for the faint of heart. It sounds great, work your own hours and do what you like, but somedays it just means staring at the door hoping somebody, anybody is going to walk in and buy something while all the while trying not to let your 1 1/2 year old screaming for attention drive you crazy. Somedays you really need some inspiration. You need some reason to go back in and face the ridiculous odds that seem desperate to crush you and your finances.

Thank goodness for the internet where you can connect with other businesses that are doing the same thing and joining the fight and making amazing things all over the world.

Our first stop would be the awesome Re-Nest blog on Apartment Therapy which comes through all day with a steady stream of great ideas and stories.

That lead me to Ref-Use, a company outside of Austin that makes something that I've thought about but yet to make - a stack of small scraps of plywood built into a beautiful chair. Trust me, in the shop there are so many small scraps of wood that are just dying for me to try and put in the saw and chop off some of my fingers in the process.

Last stop, for some true inspiration is a blog called Afrigadget where you can read about the ingenuity of people in Africa as they work to solve problems like building a radio from trash to trapping sewage waste and building your own personal biogas plant for sustainable cooking.

I was led there by the blog discussions I've been reading about the debate over "Humanitarian Design: The New Imperialism". Interesting stuff if you find yourself wanting to help the world but torn on whether helping in some far off place is really the sort of help you should be doing.

Happy reading! Hope some of these inspired you as well!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rail in Tampa Vs. Rail in China

Photo of Shanghai rail station from bennettdesigns on Flickr
[Charles] Okay it's not really a fair comparison. In Tampa we are putting up a vote for a 1 cent sales tax for public transportation improvements. In China they are putting the finishing touches on a 6.7 MW power generating solar roof for their new high speed rail station. While the mayor here argues whether it should be high speed rail vs. light rail to the airport, the Chinese happily knock out a state of the art facility that will probably shame whatever rail station we can scrape together. We might have money for a new baseball stadium but lets definitely think hard about getting people where they want to go. People on the roads are unproductive and mad and more likely to end up dead quicker! So let's get off our seats, literally, and get this rail thing going! This is the chance to do something amazing and ENDURING in downtown Tampa that isn't a parking lot! If you've seen the new airside at TIA or the new art museum downtown you bear witness to some of our city's momentum. I'll finish up my little pep talk with a link to a group called Moving Hillsborough Forward and their upcoming meeting at TMA. Below is the video they made to start getting people talking about the vote coming up.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bayou La Batre Houses

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Friday, July 16, 2010

WMNF Fund Drive - Give Now or Don't Complain When It's Gone

Reach over to your radio and tune in to 88.5 or go to and hit Listen Now. I know, it's way down there on the dial. No, it's not a religious station unless of course awesome music is your religion. If it is then I'll see you on Sunday. If you haven't heard of WMNF yet then I probably can't say anything in this blog that will convince you to unlock your piggy bank and send them your hard earned pennies but I will try. WMNF is the only, I repeat, ONLY radio station in the entire Tampa Bay area that plays independent music, local music, and indie music from bands that will never ever make it to commercial radio. They play genres of music that corporate radio like ClearEverythingElseOffTheDialChannel can't even pronounce. Not only do they represent small genres of music like Native American music, Jewish music, Polka music, and World music but they also play acid jazz to zouk and afrobeat to zydeco. If you love music and have an open mind for new genres then there really is nowhere else to go. I think that a lot of people here don't get how rare it is to have a station like this. If you grew up in a wasteland of commercial radio like say East Texas then you might never have heard of this music. Robert Earl Keen is from Texas and I never heard him on the radio before I moved here.

On top of that, WMNF goes out of their way to have talk programming that serves the people of our community. I want to take it down now and talk about one particular show and how you can support the station and the arts at the same time. If you have heard of WMNF and haven't sent them your hard-earned pennies then you are exactly who I want to talk to.

Have you paid $5-$10 to get into an art show or a concert this year? Do you drop $12 for a couple of beers at the Independent on Saturday night? Well then, I need you to pony up and pay the cover charge for Art In Your Ear today at 1:30. This show is the only place that actually takes the time to bring artists on the radio and talk and interview them here. JoEllen is an engaging and quite often hilarious interviewer who brings on people from the visual arts, stage, and music every week to discuss what is happening and get people involved in the arts discussion here. You can hear about what's going on at Tempus Projects, TMA, the Museum of Fine Arts, or maybe Jobsite Theater or the Silver Meteor or in Ybor. I hear the complaints, nobody supports the arts here, heck I do a lot of complaining myself but trust me, she supports the arts and believes in it! You need to put your money where your mouth is and send her $5 or $10 today. There are 476 fans of Art In Your Ear on Facebook and if each of those sent $5 that would be $2380. I'm pretty sure that would open some eyes to the amount of support that she gets from us in the community.

If every person that ever whined about the lack of arts support sent her $10 then there would be no talk of layoffs. You know who was the first to call volunteers to action after the layoffs? You guessed it... JoEllen, and she didn't rest until they made it right! With the money that we send WMNF, they would be able to do more shows and more music and get larger live acts! So get off your wallet and spend the first round of drink money on Art In Your Ear today. You don't even have to wait until 1:30 to do it. They make it so easy that you just drop it in the tip jar. Here's the link. Tell JoEllen that I sent you. Did I mention that she's also the owner of the Globe Coffee Lounge in St. Pete?! That's right, and you know how busy indie owners are because you listen to me whine about it. So she takes time out her week to inform us slackers who don't want to scour the internet for shows on the best arts happenings! Okay, I'm done, if that doesn't convince you then nothing will. But just in case you're on the fence let me list a few of the bands that you will never hear anywhere besides WMNF 88.5.

MGMT, Robert Earl Keen, Avett Brothers, Mumford and Sons, The National, The Beauvilles, Okkervil River, Rebekah Pulley, Nervous Turkey, Gorillaz, Frightened Rabbit, The Flaming Lips, Wilco, Sons of Hippies, Richard Thompson, The Watson Twins, Gotan Project, Candy Bars, Tokyo Police Club, Refugee All-Stars of Sierra Leone, Patty Griffin, Lucinda Williams, Ryan Bingham, Of Montreal, Light Yourself On Fire, Ratatat, The Black Keys, Rogue Wave, Band of Horses, Grizzly Bear, Sparklehorse

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Atmore Real Estate

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Athens Houses

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