This depicts the rising of the Nauvoo Temple. The sisters are standing firm and true as they assist the Priesthood in the building of the temple. What I didn't get a picture of is the brethren to side, pulling the ropes that bring those panels to the top. But it's all about Relief Society and Priesthood working together to build the kingdom of God.

Joseph Smith explains to the Fordham children the events of the first vision. When he finishes, George says, "Then I won't doubt it either". I love that testimony. I love the way the Pageant explains the basic principles of the gospel in such a clear way that people cannot misunderstand.

Becky Laird, a fictional character, created from the real stories of many of the early converts to the Church, meeting the prophet, Joseph Smith. "It's you. Though I'd never seen ya, I'd known ya, you're the prophet." He husband, Robert, stands behind. He goes through the process of having "a little light" come in to him as he comes to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tia was one of "my kids" for four years. I happened to be sitting right down in front and was able to get a picture of her. But the scene is welcoming the arriving Saints to Nauvoo.

And what do all the prophets teach? "Of Jesus Christ, the Son of God!" Joseph explains the basic premise that Jesus Christ is who we worship--the He is our Savior and our Redeemer.

Mrs. Elijah Fordham and her children. They played a great role in the building of the temple and Elijah's miraculous healing in Montrose is protrayed as a part of the Nauvoo Miracles.

Hello, I said hello. Parley P. Pratt begins the Nauvoo Pageant experience. He keeps the story line going as he relates the lives and history of the early Nauvoo Saints.
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