Saturday, September 5, 2009

Table for Twelve....

So.... Deb's been saying for ... oh, how many years now???.... that using thrift shop furniture as fixtures & props can be fast, cheap, easy, 'green', and add tons of personality to a retail store. Yes I have. Some of you listen and get it. Some of you frown and shake your heads and say 'TACKY'. Yes, you do. Admit it.

Well, thrifted furniture fixtures & props just hit the big time, my friends....
Check out this SWANKY style, presented by Le Vigne, a new wine shop in Greenwich Village, New York City, that is style personified. Working with a small budget ($25K) to open a new store left the owner with limited funds and options for merchandising. (Sound familiar?) Resourcefulness, imagination, and creativity turned out to be far more valuable than greenbacks in this case.
They've taken a slew of thrift shop furniture, restyled it, reformed it, redesigned it, and repainted it to create wholly unique and original fixtures to display their wine on. Genius. Brilliant. Stylish, Eyecatching, and a bit humorous - sort of makes me think of what a house might look like after a GREAT party with lots of good wine! If this doesn't prove my point that it's easy to be creative and green, well, I don't know what does. Apartment Therapy has a great write-up and photos of this shop... get over there!

(How I wish any one of the wineries I've worked with would have let me do something this amazing!) The idea would translate for any kind of merchandise at all, though - so get busy!

Image Credits: Sparrow King for Apartment Therapy, as found through VMSD search for La Vigne NYC.
Apartment Therapy asked me to 'also credit the photographer, Sparrow King'. So I added that.

On September 27, Spurse asked me to include the following credits, which include photo credits... I'm not certain, but I believe the Apartment Therapy article/post was written by Sparrow King, using photos by Madlab. In any case, here are the design credits:

Design credits for the entire brand and installation go to: MADLAB + SPURSE, a collaborative effort between an architectural design firm and an artist collective. Photo credits: MADLAB

More information about MADLAB and SPURSE is at:

I recommend that you check their sites out.... amazing inspiration!

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