Should you recycle pizza boxes (cheesy?) or how does micro-irrigation work (extremely tiny tomatoes?) At the USF Going Green Expo Friday and Saturday you can find the answers to these questions and more. Other interesting-sounding talks include a power saving device demo from Virginia Grabowski at Green Earth Group and a presentation from the City of Tampa where we might finally find out what the heck they think a "green" business is in their new designation.
These talks are part of the Expo and are on top of the already exhaustive list of talks and presenters attached to the Sustainability Conference that is running concurrently with the show. If that's not enough to get you to head up and eat lunch at Mel's Hot Dogs (a Tampa institution and absolute must for trips to the USF area) then you can also catch a free shuttle from the Expo to the USF Plant Sale at their Botanical Gardens. Okay!?! Try fitting all this in one day and now you'll see why this baby is a two day affair...
Head out to see these and more.
The complete list of presentations is below the fold...
1:00-2:00 Composting with The Earth Machine!
Presenter: Adam Schlacter, The Earth Machine
Location: Topiari Bull/Crescent Hill Area (Outdoor)
2:00-2:30 Green Switch Come see a demonstration of the Green Switch, http://Florida.GreenSwitch.tv/,The product is an idle current and power saving device. The presentation will feature a “mini” home to show how all the power draining components and thermostats can be switched to save energy and money.
Presenter: Virginia Grabowski, Green Earth Group
Location: The Plaza Room (#2708)
2:30-3:30 Organic Certification: The Current Regulatory Environment
What businesses need to know if they are considering the organic marketplace!
Presenter: Rick Martinez, Founder and Executive Director, Sweetwater Organic Community Farm
Location: The Hillsborough Room (#2709)
11:00-11:30 Green with Envy
Learn how to “Green” Your Business
Presenters: Thomas Snelling and Jack Bevilacqua, City of Tampa, Growth Management and Development Services
Location: The Plaza Room (#2708)
11:30-12:00 Residential Recycling in Hillsborough County
This workshop will provide information regarding Hillsborough County’s curbside and drop-off recycling programs including how to get started recycling at home and answers to many frequently asked questions.
Presenter: Katie Brown, Waste Reduction Specialist, Hillsborough County Solid Waste Department
Location: The Hillsborough Room (#2709)
12:00-12:30 Green Switch
Come see a demonstration of the Green Switch, http://Florida.GreenSwitch.tv/,The product is an idle current and power saving device. The presentation will feature a “mini” home to show how all the power draining components and thermostats can be switched to save energy and money.
Presenter: Virginia Grabowski, Green Earth Group
Location: The Plaza Room (#2708)
12:30-1:00 Chipotle Guacamole Cooking Demonstration Location: Chipotle Booth (see Exhibition Map for specific location)
1:00-2:00 Waterwise
Learn Florida-friendly landscaping principles, water conservation tips, and micro/drip-irrigation. Hillsborough County households will receive a coupon for one free micro-irrigation starter kit (limit one per household and only those that have NOT previously attended a Water-Wise workshop). Coupons can be redeemed for the kit at the Extension office in Seffner, FL.
Presenter: Maria Carver, Water-Wise Program Coordinator, Hillsborough County Extension
Location: The Plaza Room (#2708)
2:00-3:00 Rain Barrels
Learn how Rain Barrels can reduce stormwater runoff and decrease the use of potable water for your landscape! Hillsborough County households attending this workshop will receive a coupon for one free rain barrel (limit one per household and only for those households that have NOT previously attended a Rain Barrel workshop.) Coupons can be redeemed for the rain barrel at the Extension office in Seffner, FL. The 55-gallon barrel includes an installed spigot.
Presenter: Lynn Barber, IFAS, Hillsborough County Extension
Location: The Hillsborough Room (#2709)
3:00-3:30 Green with Envy
Learn how to “Green” Your Business
Presenters: Thomas Snelling and Jack Bevilacqua, City of Tampa, Growth Management and Development ServicesLocation: The Plaza Room (#2708)