Thursday, November 12, 2009

Firt experience as a tour guide

Tuesday was my first day to take tours. I was assigned to the Brigham Young home, which was awesome!!! There were only two tours for the whole day, but to spend the day in one of my favorite sites was such a great blessing. I love Mary Ann Young for all of the sacrifices she made so her husband could take care of the work. She had such a strong testimony of the prophet, Joseph Smith, and she bore it in deed and in word.
Wednesday, I got to serve at the Family Living Center where people come and learn about pioneer life. We had a family come in who were not members of our faith, and the sister who was doing the bread making demonstration stumbled onto that information and began teaching the Joseph Smith story. I was so amazed at how easily she transitioned from bread that filled the belly to Bread that fills the soul!
I will post pictures when I finally get into my home, but for now, you'll just have to take the boring written word. I will say this, I have loved serving here. It's such an amazing opportunity to be a missionary!

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