Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nauvoo is always a learning curve for me and this trip has proved to be no exception. When I got here, I had some challenges in getting all the pieces put together. I wasn't assigned a companion because her companion hadn't left yet. I was put into a house that I will live in for nine days, so I was told not to unpack. I was told I couldn't take Marci, my traveling companion to the airport, and I wondered if I had made one the biggest mistakes of my life.
Then I went out to the Old Nauvoo Burial Grounds. There people had given all they had--their very lives for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I was humbled at my small sacrifice. Then I went to the end of Parley Street where the names of those who died along the trail were listed and at the top of the kiosk, it says, "And many more whose names are not recorded, but are known to the Savior". I realized that He knew my sacrifice and He knows who I am--even if no one else does.
It put everything into perspective and now I'm ready to roll again. I suppose I just have to go through that initial bump every time I come to Nauvoo just to see if I am serious about this work. I am!!!

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