Friday, July 15, 2011

 Thank you for visiting 
my retail design blog!

Here's what you'll find:
Helpful information, inspiration, & resources to help you succeed as a retailer.
NEW POSTS appear below this welcome...

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Links to my own articles in other publications
Links to my videos on YouTube
List of Topics covered in my posts, and Post Archives

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Links to my web site and facebook Page
Links to resources offered by others - sites, blogs, books, & more
Links to online resources for your business needs

My goal has always been to help you  
build better businesses 
through the services, expertise, and resources that I offer...
so the content available on my blog and web site
are provided free of charge to assist you.

Just one thing:
Please do not replicate, reprint, distribute, copy, or otherwise use
any of my text, content, images, or proprietary property 
without my permission in writing.

I am available for writing assignments & speaking engagements -
Examples of my article & seminar topics are outlined on my website.
Inquire at for permissions,
or about engaging me as a writer or speaker.

Thank You!

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