I was contacted the other day by Dennis Eros, the promoter of the
Sand Point Antique & Design Market here in Seattle. He asked me to redesign his existing blog. What he
didn't know he was in for was a total redesign of his brand image! It just makes sense to tackle them together... since he didn't really
have any identifying elements of the show brand, I developed them. Using some vintage clip art images and replicating the feeling of old-time ads with black, white, and charcoal tones and some interesting fonts, I was able to express the qualities of the show in a way that will appeal to a wide demographic.

This is
essential in businesses of this type - it's not just collectors of antiques that come to the show. It's decorators & designers, with their clients who have seen rooms in magazines and books that include antiques - and they want them. It's newlyweds and first-time homeowners, looking for affordable and interesting objects to decorate their rooms. It's Earth-conscious NorthWesterners, looking to recycle furniture and ideas. It's even dealers who sell antique & vintage goods, looking for a great find at a great price that they can pass on to their own customers. Reaching out to all of these people is important for the success of this show.

I created a custom blog background, banner, blog button, and then uploaded it all and added new functions to the blog. I also created an entire portfolio of marketing material, including fliers, postcards, business cards, sign graphics, and more, so that everything related to this show will be consistent and tell the brand story.

I worked on the graphics for four hours to complete them. Then it took me two hours to upload the new blog content, add a post, add sidebar content, create a slideshow and upload it, and create the blog button code. In six hours, Dennis got a whole new image for his business. Since I've already seen an influx of page hits on his stats, I'd say he's on his way to revitalizing this show that is so important here in Seattle.
And the funny part of the story, which I
have to tell you, is that about halfway through the process of creating the graphics, I let out a laugh. I suddenly realized that the vintage hand graphics I had chosen were a
pun: Sand POINT Market. Get it?! ugh..... it took
me awhile!
Need help with your brand image? Let me point you in the right direction......
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