But Deb, what if you did have the power, the reach, and the glory?
What if you were given dominion over all things?
And what if eternity lay before you, brimming with love, friends, and laughter?
Yet still, one day, in all your radiance, bubbling over with giddy excitement, you tripped, fell, and got hurt - really hurt.
Would you give up on all of your dreams? Would you hate yourself? Would you forget life's magic and promise?
Or would you shrug it off, look ahead, and exclaim that it's "just a flesh wound"?
The Universe
Those 'flesh wounds' are tough ones, both professionally and personally. But they are inevitable, and when faced with them, we live, we learn, we grow. Eventually, we heal. You know what they say about wounds: 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...' I have a friend who embodies that mantra, and she amazes me with her strength. Looking ahead......
((I get these empowering and uplifting 'Notes from the Universe' each day in my email inbox. Based on some keywords I entered when I signed up for them, they bring words of wisdom, revelation, and thought-provoking insight to my desktop. Days like today, they literally make me wonder 'How do they DO that?' when they hit the nail on the head so directly. Click on the words 'The Universe' after the quote to sign up for your own!))
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