Nancy very generously provided me with a wealth great information for this article, in addition to answering my questions about her experience with the challenge. In the interest of space in the magazine, it wasn't included in the final print version. I know the information will help you in your pursuit of building better displays, so here are some very helpful tips & tricks from one of the best stylists in the biz:
“I create displays for a wide scope of merchandise and different styles, because many of our readers own country stores, and many of our advertisers carry merchandise that does well in any type of retail store, or crossed merchandised with country product in a display. I feel stores that successfully incorporate different styles of merchandise increase their appeal to a larger group of consumers. Even if your store fills a very specific niche market, don't rule out other styles of merchandise. Some products that you'd normally overlook will not only complement your products but actually enhance your original items! "
Nancy continued: "When I create displays, I do keep in mind the parameters that retailers are under and try to work within those guidelines. Usually displays can be altered to accommodate your specific needs. The size of the display, props, colors, all factor into personalizing your displays to fit your stores’ style. The key to incorporating different styles is having some kind of common element between them.”
This professional stylist also offers these additional ideas for creating a few different looks for similar product displays:
Garden Store: Base could be a potting table or flagstone, risers could be flowerpots or more flagstone, props may include watering cans, garden tools, wheelbarrow, moss, grapevine, bee-keeping related items, i.e. wooden bee hives, bee skeps,
Cottage Antiques Shop: lighter, more neutral, pastel wood tones. (I suggest using metal floral-motif furniture and chandeliers, and garden trellises & fences, as well).
Contemporary Store: Brighter colors, simple, fun or whimsical props such as oversized flowers, colorful flower pots and bees.
I’d like to express my appreciation to Paige, Teri, and Nancy for so generously providing information on their creative processes for the article. They have helped us to see what imaginative displays can do for our stores: Great display design starts with inspiration, so be inspired by the products you sell! Let them guide you into developing a story or a theme that is as unique as your store is, and design an interesting display with a timely mix of merchandise to catch your customers’ eye. In the process, you’ll inspire your customer as you express your store’s creative, artistic vision!
Links: (sorry, embedding them was causing a Blogger meltdown... not sure why.... just copy & paste to use)
Paige King:
Teri Martin:
Country Business Magazine July/August 2009 Issue:
Image Credit: Country Business Magazine July/August 2009 Issue, pg. 59
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