Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fractured Soul

If you read my blog, then you know the roller coaster that is my emotions of late. Today I wanted to just feel free. To fly and cleanse myself. I have been wanting to join the 100 word game at velvet verbosity for awhile and today seemed like a good day. The prompt could not have been more appropriate. If Andy Warhol, Stephen King, and Dr. Seuss had a love child, this would be it: CHASMS

into a 1000 pieces
Silent Screams
from an unheard voice
that never ceases

Falling deeper
into the abyss
Venomous poison
tickles my soul
with their satanous hiss

My eyes open 
but I cannot see
for empty sockets
stare back at me

Through the darkness
My mouth does scream
unheard sounds
not part of this dream

My soul incomplete
no longer alive
the pounding sorrow
begs it to die

Its wicked ways 
and vile charm
its seductive embrace
want nothing but to harm

Around my waist
into my veins
I feel it slither
and take hold my reigns
Surrender I shall 
just to end this pain

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